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Legal Music Downloads

I thought that this topic could do with a bit of an airing:

With the scandals in past years involving the famous (or
infamous) Napster, more and more net users who love music are
searching for good quality free legal music downloads. The
Record Industry Association of America and the FBI are
threatening to find and prosecute people who pass along illegal
downloads. This is not an idle threat, since it is easier to
trace people who download music illegally than it is to find
people who make unauthorized recordings through conventional
devices. Therefore, legal music downloads are a safer way of
finding the music you want to listen to at no cost. Although
some complain about the quality of most legal music downloads,
fellow browsers can give valuable hints and advice.

There was once a vast library of legal music downloads with
millions of recordings to choose from. This music "library" was, which was later bought by another company and
taken offline (no doubt the purchaser realized that the company
was giving jewels away for free).

Although more than one lover of legal music downloads compared
the dissolution of to the burning of the great
library in Alexandria, there are ways to find great legal music
downloads, although it takes much more investigation than was
required in the heyday of

Many independent musicians who are promoting their work provide
legal music downloads from their sites for free. Although they
may not be big names, they can sound like those at the top of
the charts. It can be fun and exciting searching for these up
and coming bands and downloading their music. You can get tips
from other music lovers on what bands provide the best free
music downloads, or many musicians will give you their
information at concerts.

The reason musicians can afford to offer free legal music
downloads is that they see it as a way of promoting their
music, and they know that those who enjoy the downloads often
buy their CD's. It works on the same principle as the
bookshop/cafes that allow shoppers to sip coffee and browse
through their titles for free; samples increase actual sales.
Since these independent musicians do not yet have big names,
free legal music downloads is sometimes the only way they can
give potential CD buyers an idea of their music.

One of the best ways to find legal music downloads is through
iRATE radio, which has a very large database of downloads, and
enables the listener to download music, give reviews and rate
each recording. You can look at other ratings and reviews as
you submit your own, and from this feedback, you can find the
best legal music downloads. iRATE radio will send you samples
of music that fits your stipulated categories, and if you like
a certain artist or style, it will automatically download new
recordings for you.

Word of mouth is the best way to locate your favorite legal
music downloads, and several friends can get together and make
a hobby out of searching for the best new downloads. It is a
good idea to look through music magazines and e-zines for
reviews of the best up and coming bands and artist. The
reviewer will often give you a link to the artistsÂ’ website
which might contain free legal music downloads.

However you find your music online, keep in mind that it is
much easier and safer to stick to legal music downloads than to
take advantage of offers that might involve a violation of
copyright laws. In the old days of VHS, it was easy to just
make a recording without anyone knowing about it, but mostPC'ss
can be easily traced, and your music downloads can be
investigated by authorities.

Therefore, if your dissatisfaction with the quality of many
legal music downloads is tempting you to bend the rules, it
might be a good idea to do a more thorough search among legal
music downloads to find truly good ones. There are great
independent bands out there who sound even better than the big

About The Author: Matt Garrett for http://www.LMG.Org and

Our approach has been to carefully avoid breaching anyone's copyright in the music we have recorded and then to copyright the work that we have done to create our interpretations of others' compositions and transcriptions. We have also selected relatively high quality MP3 encoding rates to ensure that the quality is comparable if not better than CD recordings. Legal and decent to our fingertips!

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